The biggest problem for a lot of us is the time where we can actually do our workouts. That is, by the way, excuse #1 Not To Exercise. Which I think is one of these excuses if when you are honest with yourself, is just there to justify to yourself that it is not a big deal to not exercise.

The first thing I would like to suggest to you is, get in the habit to work out. You have to work on making your workout a routine like brushing your teeth.
If you have the self-motivation to workout even when you had a drink or two too many the night before, or you are feeling sick then that’s the biggest achievement you can ever have.

That being said, let’s move on to “how you can schedule in your workouts” into your daily to do list.

If you are a morning person and can get up early, do your workouts right after getting up. This way you can get it out of the way have a breakfast right after and get on with your day.

If you are either not a morning person, don`t have the time because you have family, kids, need to commute to work, etc., but have a nice long lunch break, do your workout then. You can find a gym, a park or just a jogging trail for a 30 min workout. After, have a Protein Shake, Smoothie or a pre-made dish and get your energy for the rest of your day.

If none of this options work, do your workout right after you come home. Don’t think about it, just do it. Never try to talk yourself out of working out. Have dinner right after, to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs.

Most importantly schedule that “Date with yourself” into your calendar. Write it down!

Find a workout Buddy!

Accountability! Yes, that’s right, find someone that you can workout with, especially if you have problems getting yourself to workout every day.
In that way you have more fun, do your workout more often and can set new goals. Choose a friend, a neighbor, a coworker or a personal trainer. In my experience, people started to workout more often and began to hold their selves more accountable when they did their workouts with friends, in a group or a trainer.

Rest Days!

You need rest. Take 1-2 days off to rest every week. Usually, Sunday is a good day to rest and let your body get its energy back, so you can start into the new week refreshed and with new positive energy for new goals. But and there is always a but, you should do an Active rest day every other week. I know a lot of other Personal Trainers suggest doing active rest every week but I believe your body can only function if you let it rest, and yes I mean lounging around, having a piece of cake, enjoy 1 class of wine and do nothing.
On your active rest days, go hiking, swimming, biking or play ball with your kids. Go outside and do something active.

Then there is the one rule that we need to keep in mind: “Do everything in life with a smile”!

Now go and schedule your workouts for next week.
Don’t forget to keep sweating with a bit of glitter.


Image: Krissy Venosdale